Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rise to the Occasion...

Today millions of people across this country and some around the world are celebrating Father's Day.  This is the day that we have set aside to celebrate not just the father, but also the important father figures in our lives.  For some, this is the person who is directly responsible for conception.  For others, it's the man who raised and cared for them in spite of not being directly responsible for their conception.  It might be the dad, uncle, grandfather, neighbor or church member who taught you how to tie your tie, took you to your first game, danced with you at the "Father Daughter Ball", taught you how to pray or simply taught you how a guy should treat a lady on a date.  For many, it may be the mom or grandmother who did all she could to provide for you and teach you, the best way she knew how, how to live as a man of standard.  Today we celebrate that person.
It's not an easy thing to be a father.  He is expected to be the head, the provider, the leader of the family; certainly no small feat.  And I dare say that many fathers would agonize over the things they've gotten wrong rather than celebrate the things they've done right.  To all the brothers and men who dream of the day they'll be fathers, and all those who are already fathers, I say "look up".
No, being a father is not easy but the most perfect example is our heavenly father.  He is the perfect provider, providing the most perfect food, manna, from heaven while leading the Israelites out of slavery into the promised land.  He loves us with the most extravagant love; so much that he allowed his only son to die for us.  He's a promise keeper.  In Genesis 15 God told Abram that his seed would number as the stars in the heavens, would serve in a land that was not theirs and would, after a time, be brought out with great substance.  And boy did he keep that promise (check out Exodus 12 where, after following God's instruction, the Israelites walked off with all the wealth of the Egyptians!).  I could go on and on with examples of God's provision,  instruction, discipline and mercy,  and deliverance of his children from danger.  And all these are the proof of his undying love for each and every one of us.
To everyone, "look up" for examples of excellent fatherhood and celebrate the most perfect example in your heavenly father.  And then, turn your eyes to your own earthly father or "father figure".  Personally, I can remember times when my dad went without something he needed so that I could have something I wanted.  I remember the sacrifices he made so that I, and my three siblings, could have the best Christmas ever.  I remember him coming to our band concerts and school plays.  I remember him celebrating when I was on the Honor Roll, comforting me when an incorrect spelling disqualified me from the spelling bee, celebrating our high school and college graduations or driving (sometimes hours) out of the way to go to a basketball game, performance or to get my driver's license renewed.  But one of the most vivid memories I have of my father is of him praying.  I remember very specifically coming downstairs early one morning, half asleep but trying to get ready for school.  And I saw him kneeling on a chair, his hands were clasped and he was praying.  Now I don't know what he was praying about, but that moment was enough to tell me that he (my father) knew that he needed the example, guidance, and strength from his heavenly father.  And that is my example.
I read something recently that said a man's biggest fear is that he will not succeed, not make a difference and will be "exposed" as a failure.  Well today we celebrate those men and women who, in spite of whatever fear or trepidation they may have been feeling, took care of their or someone else's responsibility.  Fatherhood takes manhood to the next level.  Thank you to those men who choose to rise to the challenge; who were and continue to be the example of strength, courage, and leadership that is so lacking in the world today.  I tip my hat to you all.  HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!

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