Friday, January 13, 2012

I am...

I am...
I am from above...
I am the light of the world...
I am the door...
I am the good shepherd...
I am the true vine...
I am the way, the truth, and the life...
I am the resurrection and the life...
I am the King of the Jews...
I am Jesus...
I am the Son of God...

There is record of Jesus asking his disciples "Who do the people say that I am?  Who do you say that I am?"  He asked this question, once, wanting to know how he was seen in the market place and how his own followers saw him.
The other day I watched a powerful video in which Dr. Cindy Trimm pointed out that Jesus asked what other people thought of him only once and spent the rest of his time simply telling and being who he was. He said "I am..." and lived according to what he declared about himself.
What's interesting to me is that many of us live our lives trying to prove that we're NOT what someone else has said we are rather than living, showing and telling who we ARE.

i'll answer

The fact of the matter is that God created all of us and equipped us with the very talent, ability, drive, and potential to accomplish everything that we can dream.  In fact, he GAVE us the dream! So why would he give us a dream or desire and withhold the very method by which we can accomplish said desire?  He wouldn't!  He doesn't!  The problem is that we are so busy trying to prove someone else wrong that we spend little to no time developing and preparing ourselves to do the thing that we're equipped to do.
I'm sure we've all found ourselves the victim of someone else's incorrect perception and pronouncement of who they think we are and what they think we can do.  A parent, a teacher, a lover, a "friend", an enemy, a boss, or co-worker has said "You are" and followed it with some declaration of our weakness or what we will never be.  And rather than recognize this lie (see The Lie) for what it is and declare the opposite, we allow that negative prophecy to take root and blossom in our lives, it's weeds choking out the truth and leaving no space for dreams to be cultivated.  I'll admit, i've certainly found myself in positions where I was unable to move forward and fulfill a desire of my own because of a little voice reminding me of what someone else told me I couldn't do.
So I'm here to tell you the truth.  The power is yours.  You can choose to believe someone else's statement about you and continuously repeat it to yourself allowing no room for growth or you can decide to declare and prophecy over yourself the truth of the destiny that is already within you; the destiny that is your's because it's what God placed inside of you.
When you define yourself by what someone else has said about you, you will always be a slave to that statement and will constantly live to either play down or live up to that statement.  But, when you begin to declare "I am..." you define yourself for yourself and according to your own standards.  So do that.  Prophecy over yourself.  Define yourself and your life by what you know you are based on what God placed inside of you.
Jesus declared that he was light, provision, a shepherd, life, and the very son of God and there were many who hated him because he was so bold in his declarations. But he knew who he was, he knew his purpose, and no one could take that knowledge away from him.  He operated in the knowledge of who he was and what his father had placed on the inside of him.  Because of this, he was powerful beyond measure.
Go be powerful beyond measure.
Declare who you are.
Be who you are.
That is your power.

Dr. Cindy Trimm w/ TD Jakes

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