If you turn on any news channel or website or simply log on to Facebook, Twitter or any other social network, you'll see pictures, videos, testimonials and articles talking about the latest weather tragedy, political fallout, or war being fought somewhere in the world. In the midst of all the chaos people are wondering and asking aloud "what is going on?", "what's next?" and declaring how fearful they are of everything that's happening in the world. So today I ask you all to consider the question: Where's your peace?
Some may say their peace comes from the thought in their own minds that everything will, eventually, get better. Some will say that as long as they know that they and their loved ones are safe and sound, they have peace. But I would dare say that most people haven't asked and answered this question for themselves. Many may feel a sense of peace in the moments after some tragedy when they know that their loved ones are okay or that danger is far from them. But the kind of peace that i'm speaking of is and on-going peace; a sense of internal and eternal rest and stillness that abides even in the midst of turmoil, over time when the future is unknown and uncertain.
So I ask again, where's your peace and where does it come from?
Currently, i'm reading through the book of John. So far the thing that sticks out the most in my mind is that Jesus is constantly telling people "listen, believe, obey MY WORDS". He's not so much impressed with those who see him work a miracle and then decide to believe. But he says "...He that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life..." (John 5:24 KJV)
Okay. Hear and believe. Well, later in chapter 14 Jesus say "I will not leave you comfortless..." and later, verse 27 declares "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
If you have ever read through the Bible, specifically the portions that deal with end times prophecy, you'll know that current world events are, indeed, signs of the end of times. If you haven't read or don't believe, that may sound like a dooms day prophecy or merely a pessimistic attitude, but if you line up current world events to Biblical prophecy, the similarities are sobering. The erratic weather patterns along with political and social unrest don't give us much peace. Yet we are told that Jesus has left HIS peace with us. He tells us to believe his WORDS and then tells us that he has left us his PEACE.
What's the point? you ask. Well, the point is that the only peace that we can truly rely on is the peace given to us, promised to us, in the Word. Trusting in "Mother Nature" (if that's what you want to call it) has proven futile because weather tragedies happen often with little to no warning. Trusting in individuals gets us nowhere because people are imperfect and fallible, make promises that can't be kept, and have true control over very little. Trusting in governments is laughable for obvious reasons. But God's promises always come to pass. Take a little stroll through the Bible and you'll see that every promise that God made to His servants came to pass. And all they had to do was listen, believe, and obey.
The Bible says in Luke: "Men's hearts will fail them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth...". Fear can only take hold when there is no peace. So again I ask, where is your peace?
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
You can believe on these words or try to find it somewhere else. The choice is yours.
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