Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dancing in the Rain or The Real Thing

Tonight, as I walked home from the theatre in a downpour and attempted to shield myself from the rain with a flimsy umbrella, I thought of all the times I've wanted to dance in the rain.  Lately, whenever it rains, I have this itching to just stand in it, dance in it, frolic through it and just get soaking wet!  Why not?  I always ask myself.  And then I just shrug my shoulders, hunch over with my umbrella over my head, and keep it moving, quickly, to my destination.
But tonight, I really wanted to frolic.  My umbrella was doing no good; I was getting soaked anyway.  Why not?
Then I got to thinking about the rain and what it is and what it represents.  It's just water, right?  Well yes!  But it's so much more.  It's a sign of God's love for us and for every creature He has placed on the earth.  God is a replenisher and nourisher and His love for us is displayed in many ways, including the rain.

One of my favorite passages of scripture talks about one of my favorite flowers, lilies. 
Luke 12:27 says "Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin..."

And how do the lilies and the trees and grass and every other green thing and every animal flourish?  They don't have to go looking for water.  They don't have to ask for it.  They don't have to pray and beg God to show them some love or send them a love.  They just receive it when it comes and know, instinctively, that it's coming at the right time and in the right measure.  And what happens after a rain storm.  Do they get upset and say "God, is that all you got? Can't you send me some more?  Can't you send me a different kind?  I asked for morning rain but you gave me afternoon rain!"  NO!  After the rain, the grass looks greener, leaves on trees, stems of flowers, petals look more plump, fuller,...happier?  Yes, they look happier.  Because rather than cowering from the rain, they've allowed themselves to be showered with God's nurturing care, love and provision.  Rather than judge the rain as not enough or too much or not exactly what/when I wanted or ruining my plans, they just open themselves to receive it.  They dance, thrive, flourish in it and because of it.

When was the last time you allowed God to shower love and care down on you?  When was the last time you actually recognized the shower of love and danced in it, flourished because of it?

I think that if we did this, we would be much happier people.  If we actually took time everyday to look at our lives and receive the love that God is pouring down on us, we'd learn to recognize and appreciate that love much more.  I challenge everyone to take an hour a day for yourself to talk to God, invite Him to shower His love down on you.  Now this love may come in many forms.  It may come as compliments from other individuals.  It may come as a sense of peace from whatever turmoil you may be experiencing.  It may come as the scent of your favorite flower in the breeze, or the sun beaming down on you after many days of cool weather.  It may also come in the form of correction or a tough situation that will help you overcome and develop into the person you need to become.
Now, once you accept this challenge, accept the love that you receive.  Acknowledge and then thank God for it.  What you'll find is the more you receive and acknowledge the shower of love the easier it will be to recognize true love.  And you may just realize that what you've been giving and/or receiving as love is not quite complete love.

Consider the lilies...they neither toil nor spin...
Because they know that their creator loves them and will care for them with an overflowing rain from heaven.  If the "love" you have or give causes you or another to toil or spin...perhaps it's not real.  Dance in God's rain of love and you'll find the real thing...and you'll be able to give the real thing.

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